Soccer Mom Business Millionaire World Cup

Soccer Mom Business Millionaire World Cup


Soccer Mom Business Millionaire

Soccer Mom Business Ponderings

Soccer mom business millionaire– this never crossed soccer mom Cheryl Rose’s mind. But she was knee deep in soccer, plus she was thinking of starting a business. Her 9 year old son played recreational soccer and her 16 year old daughter played competitive soccer. Her daughter not only played for her high school, but she played all year. When she was not competing she was in some soccer camp to improve her skills. Cheryl had been in the soccer world since her daughter was 6 years old, which was 10 years ago. She even was an assistant soccer coach early on, and then the soccer involvement pace just kept picking up. (more…)

Becoming a Millionaire While Working Part One

Becoming a Millionaire While Working Part One


Becoming a Millionaire While Keeping Your Job

Becoming a Millionaire While Keeping Your Job


Becoming a millionaire, while keeping your job, is a safe way to get your million dollars in the bank. This story has three parts, first a young man getting a job that he loved, then the first business of a young man that could have made him a millionaire while keeping his job, and finally the second business that made him a millionaire while keeping his job. (more…)

Millionaires-Franchise Owner Millionaires?

Millionaires-Franchise Owner Millionaires?


Millionaires can be created from franchise ownership, but you must be very cautious about buying a franchise.

What is a franchise?

A franchise is a business that when you buy a license, you are buying into a supposed established business. You have the right to operate under their name and are given a a complete blueprint and a book of instructions you should follow to have a successful business like the parent company. (more…)

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