Gender-Neutral Approach to Business Success: Just Do It

Gender-Neutral Approach to Business Success: Just Do It

Business Success

Gender-Neutal Approach to Business Success

Gender-Neutral Approach to Business Success: Just Do It

Anything boys can do, girls can do better. As kids, we used to hear that phrase all the time. It seems, however, when it comes to business – to date, at least – that adage may not be quite right. That’s if you buy into the statistics as presented in the recently released 2014 State of Women-Owned Business Report, commissioned by American Express Open.

100% Disabled Veteran Starts a Business

100% Disabled Veteran Starts a Business


100% Disabled Veteran Starts a Business


A new business is started

Part I

100% Disabled Veteran Starts a Business

Disabled veteran entrepreneur Al Kroell served more than honorably in the Navy, but is quite private about discussing it. When he retired from the military in 2004 after 20 years of service and 100% disability, he vowed he would not give up and wanted to start a business. Because of his injuries sustained in the military he was classified as a 100% disabled veteran and among many other health issues he could not use his hands. (more…)

Creativity Optional

Creativity Optional

Creativity Optional

Creativity Optional

Creativity is optional

Creativity Optional

My whole premise is that you do not need to start a business based on a new product or service. But starting a tried-and-true business does not mean you are not creative. Many people assume that if they can’t think of an original idea for a business, that they must not be creative. Wrong! You need fuel to be creative. (more…)

Opportunity is Everywhere for $1,000,000

Opportunity is Everywhere for $1,000,000

Opportunity is there for you to have $1,000,000

Opportunity is there for you to have $1,000,000

Live Your Dream

Opportunity is everywhere, we all know that, but then why hasn’t everyone made $1,000,000 yet?  I have covered so many stories of people doing it with regular businesses everywhere. They are not extra smart, definitely not richer, and they do not know the secret password. Opportunity is there, but you must take action. (more…)

Tour Your Way to $1,000,000

Tour Your Way to $1,000,000

Tour Bus 1

Scenic Touring

Lecture Tour Company

Patty had some college courses but did not graduate. She drove a lecture tour bus for fifteen years, starting when she was twenty-two years old. She loved it, but quit to raise a family at thirty-seven. She had a few other jobs, including more time in the offices of a tour company. At fifty-three she found herself unemployed with no money. Her husband’s salary covered the bills but there was not much extra. (more…)

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