by Mike | May 23, 2014 | Goals, It is a Journey, Million in the Bank |

The Goal $1,000,000
The goal $1,000,000-set your goal at one million dollars in the bank. You must believe you can get one million dollars saved. Of course your goal can be bigger too, but set a goal. You must believe the goal is possible. If thinking about $1,000,000 is really not believable then set an intermediate target, $10,000, $100,000 or whatever number seems possible to you. (more…)
by Mike | May 19, 2014 | Business ownership, Crowdfunding, It is a Journey, Million in the Bank, Raising money, Starting Out, Types of Business |

Great Toy Story in Summary
Remember your favorite toy or your child’s favorite toy? Toy’s are a big part of all of our lives. But for Shawnta Ray and her husband Rick Harmon toys are their lives. They have had a wild ride, and there is not enough room here for all the spills, turns, and lessons learned. (more…)
by Mike | May 1, 2014 | Business ownership, It is a Journey, Million in the Bank, Starting Out |
![You Really Can Have One Million Dollars beach-dusk[1]](
You Really Can Have One Million Dollars
You Really Can Have One Million Dollars
Mark Zuckerberg, Steve Jobs, Jack Welch, Richard Branson, these people have had huge success, but their stories do not have much value to the man or woman wanting to start a small business. The stories that matter most, are about people who have started with little or nothing and are still on the path to making their million, or have made their first million and are growing their business. These are the stories I share, trying to capture what happens in those first few years. (more…)
by Mike | Apr 13, 2014 | Business ownership, It is a Journey, Selling |
![Penniless Prisoner to a Millionaire get-attachment[1]](
Bob’s House on the Lake
Chances are you will not become a millionaire without some type of sales being involved. Businesses fail for typically one reason, they do not have enough revenue generated by sales. If you consider yourself to have good sales skills, that is great, but it is a skill which must be continually nurtured and used properly. If you do not consider yourself good at sales, or hate thinking about sales, you need to find a team member who is good at sales or work on it more yourself. In this case, Bob had raw sales ability, but he had taken a misstep that could have cost him his future. (more…)
by Mike | Mar 31, 2014 | It is a Journey, Starting Out, Types of Business |

How a yardman became a multi-millionaire
If you are reading my blog or plan to read my book, you would like to have one million dollars in the bank. How often do you think about it? What are you doing about it? Get started, but if you start, make sure you put the time and energy into your new tried and true business to be successful.
I talked to a lady in North Carolina; she has a business that she started a couple of years ago. It is a throwback business, she teaches refinement. (more…)
by Mike | Mar 4, 2014 | Goals, It is a Journey |

Before I start I am not trying to make people rich, but financially independent, which I have arbitrarily defined as one million in the bank. However, once you hit one million dollars most people keep going.
I guess not many people want to be poor, but I also feel not many people are willing to do what is necessary to get rich. When I ask people do you want to be rich? Most say, “ Yes, I want to be rich.” So let’s focus on those people. (more…)