Becoming a Millionaire While Working Part One

Becoming a Millionaire While Working Part One


Becoming a Millionaire While Keeping Your Job

Becoming a Millionaire While Keeping Your Job


Becoming a millionaire, while keeping your job, is a safe way to get your million dollars in the bank. This story has three parts, first a young man getting a job that he loved, then the first business of a young man that could have made him a millionaire while keeping his job, and finally the second business that made him a millionaire while keeping his job. (more…)

One Million in the Bank is Launched

One Million in the Bank Website is Launched

I am Michael L. F. Slavin, and I recently started the One Million in the Bank concept with the strong belief this is a realistic goal in reach of almost anyone. Most millionaires have created their wealth through business ownership. You do not have to be a genius, have money or even an original idea. Tried and true businesses of all types, using the proper execution, can earn the kind of money to make this dream come true. Through my personal story as a backdrop, the book explains how you can become a millionaire, too. (more…)

Do Not Chase Your Passion For Business Success

Do Not Chase Your Passion For Business Success

Be Careful chasing your passion.

Be Careful chasing your passion.

Do Not Chase Your Passion For Business Success

Do not chase your passion for business success. It may work out that the two can be the same, but be a little more objective when you start considering the type of business you may want to start. For anyone wanting to start a business, so much has been written about “follow your passion”. Most people should not rely on finding their passion, then trying to make that an economic business. Do not chase your passion for business success. You should work hard and collect skills. Chasing a passion is way (more…)

To Be Born Poor Doesn’t Mean You’ll Always Be Poor

To Be Born Poor Doesn’t Mean You’ll Always Be Poor




To Be Born Poor Does’t Mean You’ll Always Be Poor

Andrew Carnegie was born in Scotland to a poor family, and his education ended after just a few years when his family came to the United States. He was poor, but very ambitious.

How He Got Started

The very short version of his success is that he looked for opportunity and took it at every level of his life. He moved up quickly in the railroad (more…)
Inspiration to Write Thanks Craig Ferguson

Inspiration to Write Thanks Craig Ferguson

Craig Ferguson Inspiration

Craig Ferguson-who would ever think that Craig Ferguson of the Late Late Show would be my inspiration to write more and enough to get me on track to eventually produce One Million in the Bank. I stumbled through the first part of 2011 without getting much done on my sales book, but after watching Ferguson’s show my writing took off.

paris france

Craig Ferguson interviews writer in Paris.

As I watched his show that night, I even had my notes and the little bit I had written opened with my pen in hand.  Craig Ferguson was in Paris, France interviewing an American that owned a book store in Paris. She said she wanted to write a book, but could not find the time. What is important is what he told her. Craig Ferguson said,”Write one page a day and in one year you will have a 365 page book.” I know this is not earth shattering advice, but the combination of me not getting anywhere on my book and the lady in Paris not achieving her dreams-that was the right setting for me to really hear his advice and let it sink into my thick skull.

I Got Started Writing For Real

I stood up, walked to my computer and wrote a couple of pages about something easy, my childhood. Then as I would think of another story in my past, I would pause a second and put that topic into the table of contents and go back to writing. I called this book My 365 Page Book. At the end of the year I had to write 25 pages the last week of December to catch up. Still on on December 31, it had been 147 days and I made sure I had 147 pages written. This was my story, not a story of how to help others, but I remember thinking- I can write a whole book. Thanks, Craig. You really were my inspiration.

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